Heartland Poker Tour Mount Pleasant
- Heartland Poker Tour, St. Louis (7) 8 - 11 May 2015: United States: Heartland Poker Tour, Chicago (7) 30 July - 3 August 2015: United States: Heartland Poker Tour, Mount Pleasant (3) 21 - 24 August 2015: United States: Heartland Poker Tour, Kansas City (9) 3 - 7 September 2015: United States: Heartland Poker Tour, Chicago (9) 9 - 14 September.
- Heartland poker tour mount pleasant Thorp also acknowledged an eccentric practical predecessor called Benjamin F Smith, once a well-known figure at the Vegas tables under the title 'System Smitty'.There are of course scores of other betting options, like the Field bets, the Place to Win and Place to Lose bets, the Buy and Lay bets, the Any 7 bet, the Craps- the Horn- and the Hard Way bets.
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Jan 09, 2020 Heartland Poker Tour. Since its inception in 2005, HPT has established itself as one of the premier poker tours in the country, holding events from coast to coast each year. To date, the tour has awarded more than $100 million in Main Event prize pool money to poker players far and wide.
I had been on and off planes, literally, all night, due to some work trips that were scheduled. I had flown from sacramento to salt lake city, then back to LAX, waited three hours for the red eye, flew to memphis and on to michigan. Needless to say this was a very long nite. I landed in Michigan at 1130, I had enough time to drive home, shower and change my clothes before making the 90 minute drive to Mount pleasant michigan to play in my first ever heartland poker tour event. This was a 1650.00 buy in tourny that wound up attracting over 400 entrants.
There were 6 pro players in the field, I am sure they were sponsored and flown in for publicity. They included Scotty Nguyen, bernard lee, Tiffany Michelle, Maria Ho and Darvin Moon. Oh year and also Dean Hamerik( he won his first bracelet this year)
Things started very slow. I never played speculative hands, I never called out of position, I never limped in, for about 8 hours. I played every pot as if it was my last. If i had junk i folded, If I raised and was re-raised, I folded, unless I had a big hand. When I had a big hand i pushed it as far as I needed to take it down. This allowed me to never fall below starting stack size of 15K. I felt like I was playing as well as i could. I spent most of the day above average and between 15-35K.
At about the 9 hour mark, I finally found myself all in for my tourny life, when I pushed over the top with pocket 8's against what i believed to be a big ace. My read was right, I flopped a set which I needed, as he hit an ace on the river, and I doubled to 70 K
About 1 full level later I was again all in, but way ahead, when I flopped top set, with JJ against 88. I was up to about 135K.
The day ended at the end of level 12, we had 61 left, they were paying 41, and I had 101K. This was slightly above average.
This is where I made a critical blunder, we needed to be back to start day 2 at 10 AM and I decided to make the drive home, 90 mins. each way. I was very tired but felt like it would be good to sleep in my own bed.
I was home and in bed by 3 AM, I set the alarm for 7.15 and figured that would give me enough time to make the return trip after a shower. Thats when it appeared things had gone horribly wrong for me.
I managed to sleep thru my alarm, awakening at 930. This is something THAT I HAD NEVER DONE BEFORE. I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth and was on the road by 940, with no chance to get there in time.
The question was, how many chips would i have left when I did get there, and would i in fact just blind out. I was frantic, and disheartened and annoyed at my self and disgusted with myself as well as embarrassed for letting this happen.
The blinds were to be 3000-6000 with 1000 ante's, I thought but i was not sure, the levels were 40 minutes, I was getting a headache trying to do the math and figure out where I might be. I couldn't reach any of my buddies to ask where things stood, so I was essentially flying blind.
About 11.00, I finally got some news, my buddy had busted out on the bubble and I was still in. My stack was now at about 65K. I had 15 minutes to go.
I arrived and found my seat, between Maria Ho and dean Hmerick. I now had 47K and finally i was playing cards. Oh by the way i was in the money and there were 35 people left.
I didn't play a hand for 5 or 6 hands, I found A4 in my small blind and shoved, maria Ho instacalled with A10 and I was in trouble until I found a 4 on the turn. I doubled to about 70K.
At this point th eblinds were 7-14 with 1000 antes. I stole the blinds and antes with a shove a few hands later, some how got up to 110K. I felt good, I felt like I coudl really make something happen. Thats when I misplayed a hand, which indirectly led to me getting busted 8 hands later.
UTG, big stack, amateur player, limps, all fold to me on the button, I have KJ off suit on th ebutton. I raised to 35K.....not enough. I shoudl have shoved. The blinds fold the UTG called.
Flop was A high 3 diamonds, I have no diamond. he checks, I check...I shoudl have shoved......brick on the turn, he bets, I fold.down to about 75K
When my BB came up everyone folded to Dean hamerick in teh small blind. He raised to 2/3 my stack, he had about 400K. he knows I can't call unless I have a monster. I look down at JJ, I shove, he calls, turns over Q5 off. flop comes Q57 and I can't catch up and the dream is over, 27 place for 2500 dollars.
Had I wont the KJ hand, by shoving at either of those two points, I have 150-175K when I get to my BB and he can't make that play. Too risky. I take the pot down and I pass 200K and am sitting in good shape. small ripples in the water lead to decisions later.
Overall I was very happy with my play, the experience was phenomenal and i can't wait to do it again.
Any one else ever have a similar experience oversleeping for a day two etc..?? I would love to hear about it. Although I guess i coudl argue that not being there may have allowed me to get as deep as i did. I was unable to make any mistakes while I was not there. Interesting, don't ya think?
Nice report. Sucks about losing half your stack, but at least you were in the money when you got there. How did you get in the tourney - pay the fee or sat in? A solid win regardless.
Nice tourney, and nice recap. I've played one HPT 'event' but didn't make it out of the satty's, and figured if I didn't beat the satty there was no use buying in the full amount at that point. Being that late on the 2nd day and finishing where you did is an accomplishment.
I see Hamrick and Lee made the final table and Tiffany bubbled it, but at least you outlasted a couple of the other bigger names.
And I don't get much into hand strategy here as I don't have much to add that hasn't been said or thought of by the other more seasoned players here, but it seemed like you played all your hands well (other than your self-admitted mistake with the KJ hand), nothing to be ashamed of. Well done.
Good report, looks like your critique of your play is right on and hindsight is 20/20 and all. KJ is a trouble hand for me and as soon as an Ace flops I would be done with it, unless you want to represent the ace and shove.
When I've been in big buy in tournaments, and $1600 is big for me, I always stay somewhere close so I don't miss out on the action and can rest whenever I want. With all the traveling you did, I would have been afraid of falling asleep while driving!
Good report. You're in good company (sort of). I believe that, in the year before his death, Stu Unger was sponsored into the WSOP Main Event and ended one of the days (second day I think) as the big chip leader, then proceeded to celebrate with a drug overdose or heart attack,for which he was rushed to the hospital where he remained the following day as he got blinded off (but still cashed) while his sponsor frantically tried to hustle his sick ass back to the table. As mentioned before, I would definitely sleep at or near the tournament venue, particularly after a grueling day before. Even if you had awakened to the alarm clock, with four hours of sleep under your belt (if lucky), you would hardly have been at your mental peak(though it didn't seem to bother you for the first day of the tourney). Congratulations on keeping the money in Michigan
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