Casino Security Chain Of Command

  1. Security Officer Chain Of Command
  2. Social Security Chain Of Command
The 'eye in the sky' is a typical means of casino security

Casino security refers to the measures that are taken at casinos to protect the establishment's money, property and patrons. The security protects the casino and its customers from violent crime, theft, and other inappropriate behavior.

Chain of command is a hierarchy of authority where those at the top of the organization direct and control the activities of the organizational members below them. The rationale of chain of. National Security Council. Advisers from military and civilian sectors then brief the president. Commander in Chief. Armed with the information, the president makes the cutive decision. Secretary Of Defense. Informed of the decision, the defense secretary instructs Central Command. Central Command. Cyrun is a leading provider of Windows based CAD, RMS, Dispatch, Reporting software. Since 1992 Cyrun has provided law enforcement agencies, casinos, colleges, universities, convention centers, theme parks, safety, security and surveillance tools they need to manage dispatch, records, mobile and reporting. Improving publc safety.

Given the relatively large amounts of currency that are handled within a casino, the temptation exists for both patrons and staff to commit crimes. Many casinos take security measures to prevent theft and other crime. The most basic level of security today consists of cameras located throughout the property operated by highly trained individuals who attempt to locate cheating and stealing by both players and employees.

While casino security of the past was nothing more than a 'muscle man,' today's security is a multimillion-dollar investment that is as complex as a police department.[1] Modern casino security is usually divided between a physical security force, often trained professionals who patrol the casino floor and responds to calls for assistance and reports of criminal and/or suspicious activities, and a specialized surveillance department that operates the casino's closed circuit television system (known in the industry as the eye in the sky) in an effort to detect any misconduct by both guests and employees alike.[2] Both of these specialized casino departments work very closely with each other to ensure the safety of both guests as well as the casino's assets, and have been quite successful in preventing crime.[3] Before video surveillance technology, most casinos had catwalks in the ceiling above the casino floor. The catwalks allowed surveillance personnel to look directly down, through one way glass, on the activities at the tables and/or slot machines.

In addition to cameras and other technological measures, casinos also enforce security through rules of conduct and behavior; for example, players at card games are usually required to keep their hands visible at all times.

The amount of security that is used at a casino is determined based on local laws and ordinances and what the prosecutors in the region are willing to act upon.[2]

  • 2By game


Security Officer Chain Of Command

Security in casinos serves the following purposes:[4]

  • Manual and video surveillance of the facility
  • Protection of patrons of the facility
  • Protection of cash and other valuables within the facility
  • Looking out for cheating gamblers
  • Checking the age of those entering to determine if they comply with requirements
  • Breaking up fights and dealing with other incidents
  • Removal of those who are in violation of casino rules
  • Making a citizens arrest when necessary
  • Building a case against violators for prosecution

By game[edit]


In Roulette, the following rules are enforced for security reasons:

  • Players are not to collect their winnings and betting chips on the outside chances until all of the winnings in the same box (e.g. all bets and winnings on 'red') have been paid. This is to avoid confusion and minimize the chance for players to steal other players' chips.
  • Players must not touch chips after the dealer gives the hand signal or announces 'no more bets'. Players are not allowed to remove, change or add bets past this point.
  • When the dealer has placed the 'dolly' (the plastic marker used to mark the winning number) it is strictly prohibited to touch any chips on a winning chance.
  • Croupiers are not allowed to take money to change for chips from a player's hand. If the player wishes to change he or she must place the money on the layout of the table.
  • The use of electronic equipment at the table such as mobile phones and cameras is also prohibited.
  • The only items allowed in front of a player are: Chips, money, drinks, cigarettes. Bulky items such as wallets and purses or bags must not be on the table.


In craps, all the tables within a casino are arranged in a 'pit.' There is a supervisor security who is known as a 'pit boss' who is in charge of the security of all craps tables. Below the pit boss are a group of floormen who are assigned to watching the craps table to look out for cheating and any unusual activity. There is generally one floorman per table. This is all in addition to the 'eye in the sky' security.[5]

Additionally, the following rules are enforced:

  • Players are not supposed to handle the dice with more than one hand (such as shaking them in cupped hands before rolling) nor take the dice past the edge of the table. The only way to change hands when throwing dice, if permitted at all, is to set the dice on the table, let go, then take them with the other hand. This reduces or eliminates the possibility of the shooter switching dice by sleight-of-hand.
  • When throwing the dice, the player is expected to hit the farthest wall at the opposite end of the table. Most casinos will allow a roll that does not hit the opposite wall as long as the dice are thrown past the middle of the table. Occasionally a short roll will be called a 'no roll' due to the more controllable nature of such a roll. The dice may not be slid across the table and must be tossed. Typically, players are asked not to throw the dice higher than the eye level of the dealers.
  • Dice are considered 'in play' if they land on players' bets on the table, the dealer's working stacks, on the marker puck or with one die resting on top of the other. The roll is invalid if either or both dice land in the boxman's bank, the stickman's bowl (where the extra three dice are kept between rolls), or in the rails around the top of the table where players chips are kept. If a die or both dice leave the table, it is also a 'no roll' and the boxman will examine the dice before letting them come back into the game. However, the player may request the same die or dice.
  • When either of the dice land on or come to rest leaning against chips, markers, or the side of the table, the number that would be on top if the object the die is leaning on were removed, is the number that is used to make the call.
  • If one or both dice hits a player or dealer and rolls back onto the table, the roll counts as long as the person being hit did not interfere with either of the dice, though some casinos will rule 'no roll' for this situation.
  • In most casinos the shooter may 'set' the dice to a particular starting configuration before throwing (such as showing a particular number or combination, stacking the dice, or spacing them to be picked up between different fingers), but if they do, they are often asked to be quick about it so as not to delay the game. Some casinos have 'no setting' rules.
  • Dealers are not allowed to touch the players or hand chips directly to a player, and vice versa. If 'buying in' (paying cash for chips) at the table, players are expected to lay the cash down on the layout, which the dealer will take and then place chips in front of the player.
  • Some crap table layouts state 'No Call Bets.' A call bet is made when a player is allowed to make a bet without first placing the necessary chips in the right spot on the table. This might occur while a player is waiting for a marker (casino credit) to arrive, or after the dice have left the center of the table (after which time the players must usually remove their hands from the playing surface).
  • In most jurisdictions the casino may ask a player to leave the table or the casino for any reason, typically for winning, however courts in New Jersey and North Las Vegas have ruled this common practice to be illegal for law-abiding customers.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Blackwood, Kevin; Max Rubin (2006). Casino Gambling for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Inc. pp. 36, 81.
  2. ^ abTyska, Louis A.; Lawrence J. Fennelly. 150 things you should know about security. p. 29.
  3. ^'Casino Management and Operations'. Gambling Info. Retrieved 23 June 2011.
  4. ^Boss, Derk J.; Alan W. Zajic. Casino Security and Gaming Surveillance Handbook.
  5. ^Silberstang, Edwin (2007) [1979]. Winning Casino Craps. New York, NY: Random House. p. 19. ISBN978-0-375-72249-3.
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Something about gambling (probably the presence of large amounts of money) seems to encourage people to cheat, steal or scam their way into a jackpot, instead of trying to win by random chance. That's why casinos spend a large amount of time, effort and money on security.

Security starts on the floor of the casino, where casino employees keep their eyes on the games and the casino patrons to make sure everything goes as it should. Dealers are heavily focused on their own game, and can easily spot blatant cheats like palming, marking or switching cards or dice. Table managers and pit bosses watch over the table games with a broader view, making sure patrons aren't stealing from each other and keeping an eye out for betting patterns that could signal cheating. Each person in the casino also has a 'higher-up' person tracking them, watching them as they work and noting how much money their tables are winning or losing.


Social Security Chain Of Command

Elaborate surveillance systems offer a high-tech 'eye-in-the-sky' that allows security personnel to watch the entire casino at once. Cameras in the ceiling watch every table, change window and doorway. They can be adjusted to focus on certain suspicious patrons by security workers in a separate room filled with banks of security monitors. The video feeds are also recorded, so if a crime or a cheat is detected after the fact, the casino can review the tapes and find out who the culprit was. Note slot machine payouts are determined randomly by the computer chips inside the machines. No one watches the slot floor and controls the payouts.

There is a more subtle aspect to casino security -- the routines and patterns of casino games. The way the dealers shuffle and deal the cards, the locations of the betting spots on the table and the expected reactions and motions of the players follow certain patterns. When someone does something out of the ordinary, it's a lot easier for security people to spot it because of the patterns.

Here are some tips on casino rules (written and unwritten) that will help keep you on casino security's good side:

  • Never touch any game equipment (i.e., cards or dice) with two hands. Try to avoid touching things at all, if possible. But if you need to, such as a blackjack game where your cards are dealt face down, or at the craps table, only use one hand. Keep the cards or dice above the table and in view of the dealer at all times.
  • If you're not playing a game, it's OK to watch, but don't disturb the other players.
  • Don't touch your chips once you've placed your bet, and don't collect your winnings until all bets have been paid up.
  • Don't reach all the way across a table to place a bet, especially if it means you might knock over another player's chips. Ask the dealer to place the bet for you.
  • Never place any items other than chips on the gaming table.